The new design for a multipurpose space implements a homey feel by the use of curtains and wooden fixed furniture. Round acoustic colored panels are applied, similar to the design of the main auditorium. The corridor becomes a flexible learning space by the use of folding and high table tops that also house the plants. The green reception area becomes the entrance to both spaces.
Full textToday, the choice of school for students is partly determined by the context and facilities in which the programs will continue.
With anticipation ODISEE chooses to undertake this renovation project of an existing multipurpose aula, the study infrastructure in the nearby corridor as well as the lounge area in front of the space.
VIVA's designers apply the motto "it's all about the ceiling" as additional aesthetic guideline throughout the renovations in this school building. In order to get rid of the heaviness and darkness of the existing situation, shades of a green color are chosen for details on the ceiling and the entire lounge area.
The goal is a young, fresh and dynamic look and feel: together with outstanding light fixtures, wooden wallcoverings, big curtains and contemporary furniture, the interior becomes a sociable place where students can function following their needs to study, meet and work together.
Inside the multipurpose room dozens of round sound-absorbing ceiling elements are mounted on the ceiling and placed on the backwall, following a three-dimensional scheme, in order to carry out an acoustic correction together with the big curtains. In the corridor the absorbing elements are placed suspended from the green painted ceiling. They come out as a great eyecatcher, but at the same time it is a perfect way to hide the techniques while integrating lighting and ventilation.
The plants that used to live in front of the high corridor windows are now integrated inside a fixed working tablet to increase the study facilities in this part of the building.
Only in the lounge the green color is outstanding, though diminished by the light grey colored floor and soft colored poufs. Here the eyecatcher is one big lighting fixture turning into a star-like form to connect the view in the corridor with this space.

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